Suppliers of industrial supplies in Ukraine, part 12

07 Jan 2009 — registered

Manufacturer of test instruments and laboratory ware offers:
- glass aerometers;
- hygrometers;
- alcohol- and mercury-in-glass thermometers;
- bimetallic thermometers;
- manometers (for acetylene);
- oxygen pressure indicators;
- manometers (for ammonia)
- vibration-resistant monometers;
- signaling manometers;
- manometers with thermometers;
- vacuum gages;
- pressure-and-vacuum gages;
- head gages;
- draft-and-head gages;
- assembling reinforcement (bosses, adapters, cranes, coolers, etc.);
- glassware of general-purpose;
- measuring laboratory ware;
- equipment and devices;
- fitting;
- Gorjaev's chambers;
- ground slide and cover glass;
- sand glasses.


Contact Person: manager

Chervonoarmiyska st, 18

37240, Chervonozavodske city, Poltava region, Ukraine

Tel: +38 044 5811142, +38 044 5811143

Fax: +38 044 5811144


01 Jan 2009 — registered

Our enterprise, on permanent basis, carries out supplying with the new bulbs of high pressure the objects of industry, buildings, ZHKKH, subjects of small and middle business.

Bulbs are metallic, sutureless. In the catalogue of the offered products the widest spectrum of bulbs is presented under methane of different capacity, and also for all shale-gases: oxygen, carbonic acid, argon, nitrogen and many others.


Contact Person: Dmitry Zal

Metallurgov, 97

87515, Mariupol, Ukraine

Tel: +38 0629 410816

Fax: +38 0629 411560


15 Dec 2008 — registered

P/M parts (iron, copper and bronze), sliding bearings, copper washers and rings, etc.

Metallurg Ltd.

Contact Person: Olexandr Shatsky

Primakova st., 46

61004, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Tel: +38 057 7838818, +38 057 7838799

Fax: +38 057 7838818


11 Dec 2008 — registered

Equipment "Krok" for cleaning inner surface tubes of hot-exchangers.
"Krok 3.2", "Krok 2.2" (ÈÏÃÑ "Êðîê 3.2", ÈÏÃÐ "Êðîê 2.2") and other industrial equipments for cleaning metal surface (Termax) and so on.

Krok Ltd

Contact Person: Smal Mikhail

Povstannia sq. 7/8, P.O.B. 11536

61001, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Tel: +38 057 7199990, +38 067 7111194

Fax: +38 057 7191528


09 Dec 2008 — registered

Producing and exporting parts from aluminium and steel alloys for automotive industry, agricultural, electric, pneumatic, hydraulic equipment worldwide.
Manufacturing of parts by means of die and gravity casting and steel investment casting. Mechanic treatment (machining) is available.

Talko, Ltd - Tavrian casting company

Contact Person: Ievgenii Zhelezniakov

4, Kakhovskoe highway

72312, Melitopol, Ukraine

Tel: +38 0619 433865

Fax: +38 0619 431176


09 Dec 2008 — registered

Production and quality service of mechanical and electronic scales (common, platform, simple, crane, batch, household scales: kitchen and bathroom scales).

Kirovograd Plant of Doser Equipment

Contact Person: Tetiana Borysivna Tkachova

Eksperimental avenue 2

25006, Kirovograd , Ukraine

Tel: +38 0522 242884, +38 067 5206033

Fax: +38 0522 350913


01 Dec 2008 — registered

- Injection molds;
- Dies;
- Plastic parts for automotive industry;
- Production of plastic packaging;
- Production of brake pads for disk brakes.

Spetztekhosnastka Ltd.

Contact Person: Maria Chebysheva

Arsenicheva street, 122

51921, Dneprodzerzhinsk, Ukraine

Tel: +38 056 9539770, +38 056 9539774

Fax: +38 056 9539774


25 Nov 2008 — registered

"APT Basis" company offers industrial chilling equipment.
Calculation, selection, sale, assembly, service and repairs. Cooling chambers, water-cooling equipment, chilling equipment for supermarkets.

Apt Basis, LLC

Contact Person: Aleksandr Gumeniuk

Vasylenko str., 7

03680, Kiev, Ukraine

Tel: +38 044 3317311, +38 063 8550868

Fax: +38 044 2283855


25 Nov 2008 — registered

1. Production of processing tool and equipment for tin container producers (food, chemical, souvenir).
2. Sale and after-sales service of used tin container processing lines.
3. Sale and after-sales service of used processing lines for manufacture of plastic products (thermoplastic, extruder, thermal vacuum forming)

Promptehproect NVP

Contact Person: Oleh Vitaliyovych Kushnir

Prutska st., 27

58000, Chernivtsi, Ukraine

Tel: +38 0372 583493


12 Nov 2008 — registered

"Krok" LLC is a manufacturer and supplier of various facilities to measure: mass, pressure, temperature, level, expense, laboratory and manufacturing equipment of leading world manufacturers.

Krok, LLC

Contact Person: Andrey

Chebotarskaja str., 80

61052, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Tel: +38 057 7590001, +38 057 7164276

Fax: +38 057 7164276


Suppliers of industrial supplies in Ukraine, part 1
Suppliers of industrial supplies in Ukraine, part 2
Suppliers of industrial supplies in Ukraine, part 3
Suppliers of industrial supplies in Ukraine, part 4
Suppliers of industrial supplies in Ukraine, part 5
Suppliers of industrial supplies in Ukraine, part 6
Suppliers of industrial supplies in Ukraine, part 7
Suppliers of industrial supplies in Ukraine, part 8
Suppliers of industrial supplies in Ukraine, part 9
Suppliers of industrial supplies in Ukraine, part 10
Suppliers of industrial supplies in Ukraine, part 11
Suppliers of industrial supplies in Ukraine, part 12
Suppliers of industrial supplies in Ukraine, part 13

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