
27 Apr 2021 — registered, 17 Jun 2021 — updated

E-app is a ready-made mobile application for your own food delivery service from a restaurant, pizzeria, bakery, cafe or sushi bar.

E-app will help you save up to 99% of the cost of app development and will allow you to launch your own delivery service in just 3-5 days!

E-app advantages:

• Suitable for any food delivery business;
• Saves a huge part of application development costs;
• An order is much cheaper than at aggregators.

Do you want to create your own food delivery from scratch or improve an existing one?

Do you want to increase the number of orders and the revenue of the establishment?

Think own shipping app is expensive and difficult? Tired of paying high commissions to courier services and aggregators?

We have combined the experiences of over 150 of our clients in one application. Perhaps our application is exactly what you need!

Why is E-app profitable?

• Increases the revenue of your establishments;
• Optimizes delivery processes;
• Increases customer loyalty;
• Easily integrates with most popular POS systems;
• Costs from $ 86 per month;
• From your order to the working application - 3-5 days.

Find out more at the website: https://e-app.com.ua

Develop your business with E-app!


Contact Person: Kateryna Pogorilova

Voskresenska st. 9

40000, Sumy, Ukraine

Tel: +380937456330



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