22 Mar 2021 — registered, 17 Jun 2021 — updated
Farsh burgers are prepared specially for each order, so you can be sure about the quality of the prepared dish.
We have a convenient and simple burger delivery service.
Choose your favorite burgers and place an order, confirm it with our manager and expect the delivery of delicious burgers in your life!
We use the freshest ingredients, cooperate with various Ukrainian producers, combine professionalism and the best recipes, so that in the end you can get the most delicious burgers in your city.
We have a convenient and simple burger delivery service.
Choose your favorite burgers and place an order, confirm it with our manager and expect the delivery of delicious burgers in your life!
We use the freshest ingredients, cooperate with various Ukrainian producers, combine professionalism and the best recipes, so that in the end you can get the most delicious burgers in your city.
Contact Person: Serhiy
Sadova st. 29
79021, Lviv, Ukraine
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