New Time Publishing
26 Apr 2012 — registered
Books for learning English and other languages for kids and adult beginners.
Simple explanations, numerous excercises and creative tasks.
Funny pictures that illustrate rules.
Packed with audio-disks.
End users can buy any number of books directly from us.
We offer good discounts to wholesalers.
Simple explanations, numerous excercises and creative tasks.
Funny pictures that illustrate rules.
Packed with audio-disks.
End users can buy any number of books directly from us.
We offer good discounts to wholesalers.
New Time Publishing
Contact Person: Yulia Ivanova
Rymarska st., 19, of. 37
61057, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Tel: +38 057 752-65-63, +38 050 301-19-73
E-mail: newtimepubl at, newtimepro at
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