
27 Mar 2009 — registered

LLC "OdesReklamProekt" is in the market of outdoor advertising from May 2003.
Our advertising agency is placing advertisements on the stationary structures on the type of Bill Board 6x3m, Back Light 4x3m, Brendmauer and dynamic structure (trivizhn) in Odessa and the region cities.
We are the largest operator of outdoor advertising in Odessa.
LLC "OdesReklamProekt" offers a full range of services related to the placement of outdoor advertising: production design layouts, print, posters, direct placement, the provision of photos, weekly monitoring of the technical condition of structures.
We provide individual approach to each client, which gives us the opportunity to find the best solution for him. The high qualification of staff, use of modern technology and materials allows you to quickly and accurately carry out advertising campaigns of our clients on highways and streets of Odessa oblast of Odessa.
In addition to posting on their boards, we are also engaged in media-buying, and at any time be able to find the best home for the client program


Contact Person: Anzor Nikolaevich Vitkovskiy

Gazovyj per., 4 off. 114

65003, Odessa, Ukraine

Tel: +38 048 7288889, +38 048 7411513

Fax: +38 048 7413350



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