Skif Ltd

04 Oct 2009 — registered

Enterprise offers a full range of instrumentation and measurement equipment necessary for measuring laboratory accreditation and execution of measurements and performance of tests while inspecting wheeled vehicles during state technical inspection performance:
— photometer for luminous intensity measurement of external lights (IPF-01);
— playmeter (ISL-M);
— force dynamometer (PPNR-100);
— roller test bench KTZ of М1, М2, Т1, Т2, О2, О3 categories with axle weight of up to 3, 5 t and up to 15 depending on the field of accreditation (STM);
— KTZ roller test bench by driving test method (Effect);
— air brake controls pressure-measuring instrument (M-100);
— flue-gas analysing apparatus (AVTOTEST);
— transmissometer (Meta 01 MP);
— phonometer;
— device for light transmission measurement in automotive glass (Luks IS-2) and other measurement equipment.
Enterprise also offers antiradars, radar detectors, radars, Stationary Gas Units and Nightstar tail light.

Skif Ltd

Contact Person: Tanya Zasadko

4 Semyi Khokhlovykh St.

04119, Kiev, Ukraine

Tel: +38 044 4833531, +38 067 3254640

Fax: +38 044 4833750


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