Ukrventsistems Fan Company

01 Jun 2010 — registered

Established in 1997, "Ukrventsistems Fan Company" industrial fan manufacturer has evolved into one of Ukraine's premier manufacturers of high quality industrial fans.
"Ukrventsistems Fan Company" manufactures: industrial fans, blowers, filters, cyclones, heaters and other elements of ventilation systems.
Modern machine shop (modern equipment) allows to produce fans, cyclones, smoke exhauster, and other ventilation equipment of stainless steels, of aluminum, titanium, any degree of complexity.
Customer relationships are built on the principles of mutually beneficial cooperation.
Through careful study of the needs of each customer our specialists fan plant produces the most suitable equipment. Flexible pricing policy satisfies every customer.

Ukrventsistems Fan Company

Contact Person: Tatyana Cherkashina

Str. Moskovsky 257, Ap. 1201

61044, Kharkov, Ukraine

Tel: +38 057 7192379, +38 057 3920752

Fax: +38 057 7192369


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